English Grammar, Third Year Classes & Topics

Ecercise No. 1 Articles


1.   Our house is closer to … District court building than …. Railway station.

2.   … Dictionary of synonyms is a best source for precise meaning of…..similar words.

3.   Most people guess …meaning of …unfamiliar words by looking at …familiar words around it.

4.   ….. ordinary dictionary records in the alphabetical order.

5.   Knowing …..  language is not the same thing as…..  knowing about it.

6.   She is learning …..music; her harmonium lessons cost   fifty rupees …. hour. Some people pay double….. amount for their music lessons.

7.    Mountains like …Himalayas always attracted him; he loved …. nature and hated the   towns and cities.

8.   Butter is made from …. cream, I always enjoy bread and….. butter for …breakfast.

9.   After ….. serious illness he traveled by …..air to Switzerland in search of  health.

10.         ….. retired Captain still loves…… sailing; he has a boat on ….. river.

11.         They have sent Rahul to…. prison for hitting ….. policeman on …..    


12.         Take ….. umbrella with you  to …office . It may rain any time.

13.         Raina traveled in ….. second- class carriage  with ….. few    


14.….. book  on the shelf is ….. interesting one about …… Gandhian  philosophy.

15.         ….. clouds over …..sky  are lovely today. I’d like to go for… walk.