English Grammar, Second Year Classes & Topics

Unit III Chapter 3 Vocabulary - Phrasal verbs

UnitIII Ch. 3 Vocabulary : Vocabulary:Phrasal Verbs

Childrenhold theirparents’s handwhile crossing the road.   Here hold is averb means to take support of

WhenI called, he asked me to holdon.  Here holdon is aphrasal verb  which means wait

Themirror broke intopieces.   My car broke down =  stopped working


Choosethe correct phrasal verb from the options given at the end of the sentences.

1.I……….. but no one has seen my mobile(asked out/asked around)  Ans: asked around
2.The firemen had to ……the kitchen torescue the residents( break in/break into)  Ans: break into
3.My boss….. the meeting of heavyrain.(called off/ called back)  Ans:called off
4.Don’t forget to take the room keys whenyou……( check in/check out)  Ans: check out
5.Diabetic patients are advised to…..sweets and oily food.(cut off/cut back)  Ans:cut off
6.We…… the bus when it reached our stop.(got off/ got out)  Ans: got off.
7.This is your time to ……your  old parents now.(look after/look for)  Ans: look after
8.She loves to …… with her friends onweekends. (hang out/ hang on)  Ans:  hang out
9.I….. an old  friend of mine at the theatre( ran into/ranout)  Ans: ran into
10.She ……. her father. Both love to readbooks.(takes off/takes after)  Ans: takesafter